if i was a robot

We had another 'food fight' at lunch today. My friend brought marshmallows to school to play the game 'chubby bunny'. Of course Ai started throwing them at people, and that triggered a marshmallow fight. Dammit, Ai put marshmallow in my HAIR. Man, that's just low. Haha. I spent the last few minutes of lunch in the bathroom, trying to get the chunk of marshmallow out of my hair. -.- Stilts, Dee, and I got revenge on him though. We put a lot of marshmallows in his backpack. A couple were put in his binder. Yeah, that's pretty low and evil of us too, haha. BUT HE STARTED IT.

Gotta admit that Ai always makes lunch entertaining.

Since I said I'd blog about Sunday:

Yesterday, my family and I ate dim sum with Hamtaro and her family. We ate at a restaurant in Chinatown. I've only been to Chinatown a few times since we moved here. I fail so much. My grandparents go there at least once a week!

Her other relatives were there too. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and a great uncle that was very outgoing! I think it's cool how she has so many relatives living in the same city.

Her cousins are really cute, haha. They became friends with my little sister.

THE DIM SUM RESTAURANT ACTUALLY HAD CARTS. <3 I love those ones best. Aiyah, ordering dim sum with a piece of paper doesn't feel right to me. It's like taking part of the experience away! When my family and I lived in WA, we ate dim sum whenever we could. There were no dim sum restaurants in the small town we used to live in, so we would drive up to another city (which we almost moved to). All the dim sum restaurants there had carts. Brings back good memories. :) I want to go back to those restaurants! Especially the one called Four Seas. It was less popular than the other dim sum restaurant right across the road, but I always liked it better.

I had fun, and it was nice seeing you, HAMMY!

Before lunch, I went to a basketball game that my little sister was cheerleading at, haha. So cute! Little boys playing basketball and little girls cheering is way too adorable.

The boys were really good at basketball! They had so much enthusiasm. They just ran from one end of the court to the other the entire time (of course the court size was reduced since they're just little kids after all). Wow, in 10 years I can't imagine how good they'll be at basketball. I don't think I was as coordinated as them when I was 5!

There weren't many cheerleaders. Just my sister and a couple other girls. They each had pom poms and were waving them around. My sister asked me to sit in the bleachers next to her, and every time she waved her pom poms, she'd smack me in the face with them. -.- She didn't even notice, haha.

Something that makes me happy? Taking a relatively empty bus.
Alright, this is the story of a teenage girl by the nickname Gecko. It's very dramatic. Play some dramatic music in your head while reading this. :D

It all started on an average school day. Gecko got up early in the morning and got ready for school. She left her house and went to the bus stop.

When the bus came, who did she see inside?! STILTS. Gecko got on the bus and tried to move her way to Stilts, but sadly, it was too crowded. The two friends remained separated.

Later, Gecko pulled for the bus to stop. The doors opened, and she got out. She realized too late that she had gotten off two stops too early. The bus, with Stilts inside, had already closed its doors and driven off.

Gecko shrugged this off and decided to just walk the rest of the way to school.

All of a sudden, a yellow school bus pulled up next to her.

The doors ominously swung open, and the bus driver stared at her.

"Why are you walking by yourself?" he asked. "Where are your parents? Where are you going? What school do you go to?" His stare had a creepy glint to it.

Gecko answered all his questions.

"Get in," the driver said.

Gecko did.

On the bus were a couple other kids. They glared at her.

Sure enough, the bus driver was taking Gecko in the direction of her school. Then he drove past it. Gecko's heart was pounding. She was now certain she was being kidnapped. What should she do?

Then the driver did a U-turn and pulled up at the high school. As Gecko was getting off the bus, he sternly told her, "Don't get into cars with strangers."


^Yeah, I don't know why I did that.

Well hello all you bloggy people. :D Today is a Friday, and I have no school.

I changed my layout to Ambiru. I've always loved this layout. I didn't use it till now though because it's a one-columned theme.

I found some pictures online that I decided to edit:

Grey scale + soften

Cartoon + Soften + Bronze

Well, since Ninja Sis keeps talking about cute guys, I'll talk about cute guys for a little bit. :>

There's this really good looking guy in my bio class. If you look at him, your first thought will be, "Damn, he's good looking." Then your second thought would be, "Damn, why is he so good looking?" He's kind of an attention whore though, haha.

Then there's a guy in my English class...he surprisingly doesn't come off as a wannabe. :D Most guys at my school who try and act all badass and cool end up looking lame. My school is all about academics, so you can't try and act like a tough guy when you're at one of the safest schools in the area getting straight A's. Just drop the act. The guy in my English class...well he's just different, haha. He seems so laidback. He's not trying to be cool. He doesn't try and stand up to the teachers or act like a smartass like a lot of the guys at school. -.- He also has this cute weirdness to him that I can't describe.


I came across this blog that was pretty interesting. In one of the entries, the blog owner was saying how she hated that she had silent readers who never commented and how she wished her blog was more popular. Since I liked her blog, I decided to comment so that the spell of the silent blog readers would be broken. Normally I don't comment though. I'm one of those hated silent readers. Well I clicked on the 'Post a comment' link, and a text box didn't show up where I could type/submit a comment. I looked for it with no luck. She had no contact info either, so I couldn't tell her that the reason she had no comments was because her blog's commenting section wasn't working.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I can.

And cuz I felt like it.

And cuz I feel bad that it might be awhile before she realizes her commenting section has issues.
Bloggers are very influencial! Haha.

Sometimes when I read blogs before I blog (that sounds weird), my mood changes. I lose interest in what I wanted to blog about before and want to blog about something similar to the blog(s) I just read. If that makes any sense. Like I might be feeling pretty positive, but then I read a blog that has a (relatable) negative post. The end result is that I feel like blogging a negative-ish post as well. Vice versa with a negative mood + a positive blog entry.


It's time for the LOOK-A-LIKE GAME.

I saw a guy who looks like Ethan Peck, the actor who played Patrick Verona in the TV series 10 Things I Hate About You. I love the movie, and I really like the TV series. New episodes are supposed to be coming out in March. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG.

Very good looking, right? If you say no I will slap some sense into you. :D

Well I've already mentioned the Wesley Chan and Philip Wang look-alikes.

Okay, the guy who sits in front of me in gym class (during roll call) reminded me of DEMETRI MARTIN. That very funny comedian. :D

"I like parties, but I don't like piñatas because the piñata promotes violence against flamboyant animals. Hey, there's a donkey with some pizzazz. Let's kick its ass. What I'm trying to say is, don't make the same Halloween costume mistake that I did."

"Employee of the month is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time."

"I like fruit baskets because it gives you the ability to mail someone a piece of fruit without appearing insane. Like, if someone just mailed you an apple you'd be like "Huh? What the hell is this?" but if it's in a fruit basket you're like, 'This is nice!'"

Now time to talk about my day. (This is where you all say, 'YIPPEE' and jump for joy.)

This is also where my talent for being boring and rambly really shines.

Chinese was funny and a little awkward. We played a variation of the game charades. My partner and I were supposed to 'act out' looking for homework, haha. Or in Mandarin, "Zhao gong ke." The teacher pretended to yell at me to give the class a better idea of what we were doing. "NI DE GONG KE ZHEI NAR?!"

A group after us had to act out the same thing, but they spoke so that it was easy to see that they were supposed to be looking for homework. Psh, I thought we weren't allowed to speak. :P

LUNCHLUNCHLUNCH. OMNOMNOM. I laughed. A lot. Ai started this tradition of giving his carrots to Gecko. Gecko wasn't at lunch today, so he ended up throwing the carrots at Stilts. Then all the girls teamed up against him. >:] He was trying to figure out how my friend's camera worked, so I went up to him and pretended that I was going to help him out. Then I put a carrot down the back of his shirt. :D That's what he gets for randomly attacking Stilts with orange veggies, haha.

Err...I made a new friend today. I think. During lunch this girl (who is friends with Stilts, Ai and a few other people I know) sat next to me. All of a sudden she shouts, "SOMEONE COME WITH ME TO BUY LUNCH." She turned to me, even though we had never spoken before that, and says, "COME WITH ME!" O_O So then I thought, "Alright.......even though we don't know each other.....weirdo...." Well then I went with her and we started talking, and she's funny and nice. Although I still think she's a little weird. Just a little, not much. :] ONLY CUZ she randomly asked me to get lunch with her and acted like we knew each other. I guess she's just very outgoing and likes making friends?

Gym was fun. VOLLEYBALL. I suck at it though.

In English CCPE (cheater cheater pumpkin eater) proved yet again that she has horrible lying skills. We were supposed to read the myth, "The Labors of Heracles" for homework. She whispered to me in class, "Uhh...I read the story...but uhh...I forgot everything already. So uhh...what was it about again? Can you summarize it?" RIGHT, like she really read it but just happened to forget everything as if she DIDN'T read it. Hmm...Anyways. I replied by saying, "Oh uhm...The story's about Heracles and all these labors he has to do...Yeah..." I'm so helpful. :)


There's this girl that I've decided I do NOT like. She's such a friend whore! She'd rather have 50 so-so friends that she can look popular with than 3 BEST friends. She's all about looking and feeling popular. She doesn't appreciate her friends at all. That's what I hate most about her. Don't take friends for granted!

I heard her saying to her friend, "It's too empty in here. Let's get lots of people here!", and she talks a lot about how she feels like a loner. UHMM, excuse me?! Your friends are right there, and you're saying something like that to them? How is that supposed to make her friends feel if she says she feels like a loner even with them there. And uhm...when she said, "Let's get lots of people in here", she never did. She acted like her friend was holding her back from throwing some huge party in the science building, but in reality, she's not as popular as she'd like to be.

Why can't she be happy with the friends she has? She's definitely on my list of people I want to avoid being friends with. If we did become 'friends', I'm pretty sure it'd just cause unnecessary stress and annoyance.

The people she hangs out with seem so nice. We have some mutual friends which makes it worse. Heck no is she gonna use or be mean to my friends. :(

Being popular isn't everything. Don't aspire to it. If you happen to become popular because you have a great personality, good for you. :D If you try to be popular by clinging to one group until you find a group that's more popular in your eyes, what does that prove? It proves you can be an asshole.

Some things that makes me happy? Cheesy pick up lines and carrot fights.

I had to make fake money as a prop for my Chinese skit awhile back.

Rectangular pieces of paper+Markers+Friends+Unused creativity=That.

That's the cleanest fake money my friends made. The other ones were...just plain weird and messy, haha. I think after that pic was taken though, they scribbled all over it.

Some things that makes me happy? Goldfish crackers and Saturdays.
***mini rant

Don't you hate it when the same person asks you day after day if they can borrow the same thing over and over again?

Urrghh. In English, this girl has been asking me for binder paper ever since last week. She took my last paper today. The stupid thing is, she actually does have her own paper (I've seen it). She's just too lazy to get it out. Either that or she's just plain cheap and trying to free load off of me. I tried to make her feel bad for taking my last piece of binder paper, LOL. When she asked for yet another piece, I said, "Oh, this is the last piece of binder paper that I have." Then she actually did seem a little guilty which made ME feel guilty. She told me, "Nevermind. Keep it." Of course, me being me, I ended up insisting that she take it. "It's fine. TAKE IT!" "No really! It's fine. It's just binder paper."

Lesson learned. Last time I try guilting someone. Next time I'll lie and say that I ran out of paper. ;)

***mini rant

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Monday's usually suck, but today was pretty awesome. 8D

My morning classes breezed by, and then it was lunch. Keyew told me earlier that she was eating lunch off-campus and that I should go with her. I wasn't sure if I would because my usual lunch group and I normally stay on school grounds, but when I met up with Gecko and Ai in the science building, they coincidentally asked me if I wanted to go off-campus for lunch. Then I called Keyew and the three of us met up with her and her friends to go get pizza and frozen yogurt. Well actually Ai was the only one to get frozen yogurt. Keyew's friend said, "We ALL came in here just so that guy could get yogurt?!" She's funny. 8D (Lookit, I used the 'cool' smiley twice in this post.)

I met two new people today from the trip for pizza and froyo (including the girl who said the funny thing, haha). :D They're super nice and friendly. We just met, but they were so easy going that there was no awkwardness at all.

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When our pizza came we ate it quickly because there was a time crunch. Then we all walked back to school with a couple minutes to spare before our next class. Yupp, that's it.

My afternoon classes also breezed by.

Something that makes me happy? Meeting new people who I instantly click with.

^ Maybe I'll make that a daily blog thing.

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My little sister loves all things Hello Kitty. In fact, she added three new Hello Kitty toys to her collection recently. Her love for Hello Kitty has rubbed off on me a little. Hello Kitty's undeniably adorable. :D I want a pillow-sized Hello Kitty stuffed animal for myself, haha.

Anyone care to get me one?

...Takin' a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you wanna go

where everybody knows your name,

and they're always glad you came.

You wanna be where you can see,

our troubles are all the same.

You wanna be where everybody knows your name.

Om nom nom.

My little sister and her class got cookies. Her friend, S, asked her if she could have part of her cookie and ended up eating most of it. >:[ My sister came home a little glum because of this, and she asked me to bake her some cookies.

Just a normal Hello Kitty.

Ooga booga. Caveman Hello Kitty :D

Okay, my plan to be a happier person is in action once again.

I need to stop thinking about bad, insignificant friendships and focus on all the great friendships that I have. :] Why should I let a couple stupid people get me down? I don't even care that much about them. The thing that bugs me most about them is their lack of morals.


Items in this set:

I made that on polyvore because I'm currently obsessed with teal and turquoise. I don't know the difference between them. -.- All I know is that they're blue-green colors. :D

The obsession all started when I was working on my future blog's layout. I decided on a color scheme with teal or turquoise, whichever one it is, and then I realized that it's such a pretty color. Haha. :)

Time to go shopping for blue-green things.
In modern world class, these two guys who sit on either side of me were having a conversation. So naturally I eavesdropped.

Guy 1: Dudeee, you should of taken the same bus as us yesterday.

Guy 2: Yeah, but that bus goes in the wrong direction of my house.

Guy 1: Who cares? There was a fight. *lowers voice and stares intently* The cops came and everything. It was so awesome.

Guy 2: Why were there cops?

Guy 1: Cuz there was a fight!

Guy 2: ...Wait, so people were punching each other and everything?

Guy 1: Yeah! It was awesome. These middle schoolers were taking a video. They're gonna put it on YouTube!

I just started cracking up. Guy 1 just gave me a blank stare.


Click here if you wanna read a blog entry by one angst filled teen. I wish I could say that teen wasn't me.





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Hey there, Wordpress. How are you today?

Today was alright. I'm still getting used to my new classes and the new people in those new classes.

I really miss the old people in my old classes. I couldn't have asked for better classmates! In my new gym class especially, the people there are people I would rather avoid? A lot of them seem so snobby and full of themselves. D: I'll try to get to know them better so I don't pin them as someone that they're not, but the way I've seen them talk and act is so BLAH-ish. My old gym class was a lot less crowded and a lot more awesome. Everyone was funny and sweet. :D Some people from the old class are in the new one, but it's mainly a bunch of new people.

Dramas, Gecko, Kawaii, and JSG were all in the old gym class. Now it's just down to Gecko and I. :(


I got my shoe painting back! My teacher gave me a B+ for it. AIYAH! Admittedly, it's pretty damn ugly, but I put all my effort into it. I went after school to work on it on more than one occasion. I asked her for advice lots of times and tried to follow it. She said early on that effort in our artwork was the most important thing, and she knows how hard I worked on it! She only gives people that suck up to her, or are really good at art, an A. It's not fair. I'll never get an A in her class. Maybe it's time I start sucking up to her. I need to make sure that she can place my name with my face! I know that a B+ isn't bad, and it seems like I'm overreacting, but I'm Chinese. That means my parents have always pushed me and taught me that letter A was the best. It's rubbed off on me. I want a 4.0 so badly! AND HELL NAH IS ART GONNA COST ME IT. Plus, since when was the beginner's art class in HIGH SCHOOL all about how artistically talented you already are?

Dammit, if she just LOOKED during art class she would see how concentrated I, and all the other people who put the effort but don't have the skill, are. Instead she just sticks her fat head behind the mac on her desk while playing a bunch of love songs from online. LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE'S FEELING LONELY. Just kidding. I took that a little too far. I'm sure she's happily married and doesn't have 50 cats roaming around her house.

Well whatever. Whatever is my favorite word now. You can use it when you're pissed off, and you can use it when you're joking around with people. ^-^ You can also use it when you're exasperated.



Friend: I got $200 for my birthday.Me: Haha, whatever.

Me: Meh, whatever. Good enough.


An abrupt end to this post.