if i was a robot

I made an account on millsberry.com after I helped my little sister make one, haha. Feel free to laugh at me. I thought it would be fun to make one so I could relive childhood memories!

I made my character look like me kind of. Pale with long black hair. Her name is Nanook, as suggested by my sister. My account name is hkladybug. Also suggested by my sister.

Honestly, millsberry.com SUCKS! The games are terrible. No wonder I didn't play it much as a little kid.


Well now I'm going to play on the wii fit. Try and burn off some of the numerous calories I've consumed. Why did my dad's friend have to send us boxes of cookies and brownies?

I've been watching so much Cheers that I've even started dreaming about it!

Why does it seem like every freshmen girl is "in love"? I put it in quotes because I wonder if they really are. I'm sure some of them actually are...but are ALL the girls that say they're in love really in love? There's tons of people from school who have tumblrs, and each one I go to, some girl's talking about how she's in love and heartbroken.


Even after just a month of school, girls were saying they'd fallen for a guy and were in love.

Whether they're really in love or not, I'm getting tired of reading blogs about a girl wallowing in self-pity for some guy that doesn't like her back or some guy she rejected and missed out on.

If they really were/are in love, then I'll let them write whatever they want on their blogs. If they're not in love and just say it for the heck of it, then they just need to shut the fuck up. I think it's peer pressure or something. A girl sees that her friend found a guy and suddenly she wants to find a guy too...which is understandable, but c'mon! -.-

I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that all the blogs of schoolmates I've read involve love and sadness.

Did I miss a meeting or something? Did I not drink whatever it was that made all these girls fall in love?

Well if I fall for some guy, then so be it...but I'm not going to purposely look for love like it's a scavenger hunt.


Sorry for the rant. Anyways, I've been seeing on a lot of blogs that people have been writing about how 2009 was. Like giving a summary. I don't have much to say I guess, but I'll blog about 2009 tomorrow since it's the day before January 1.

Dun dun dun...

Today my mom had a party to celebrate Christmas/her friend's birthday at our house. It was kind of awkward because it seemed like the people my mom invited weren't good friends with each other...more like people that were just indifferent with everyone there. At the dinner table they only talked about work and asked my brother and I about school.



Well maybe it was just awkward for me, haha.

A long time ago my mom bought me a plaid tunic from Miley Cyrus's clothing line which I never wore...until today when my little sister asked me to wear it for the party. =.=

What can I say...I'm a sucker! I give in to my little sister too easily.

Doesn't the bright orange shirt underneath that I was too lazy to change out of add a special touch? :D
I've been watching Cheers on youtube. Woody's such a cute character on that show, haha. ^-^

Today's been a productive day because:

1) I did homework
2) I watched a ton of Cheers episodes
3) I stuffed my face with food :]
4) I burned 170+ calories on the Wii Fit!

My brother's fancy schmancy shoe.

Neighbor's neatly trimmed hedge.

When my family and I went to visit our neighbor, I snapped this pic for fun as we waited for her to answer the door.


I was bored so I took some pictures of random things.


Hello Kitty overload. My sister has too many toys, haha. I found just enough to make a pyramid!

My sister calls this toy Mimmy, Hello Kitty's twin sister.

She has a pink version of that stuffed animal that was Hello Kitty, but she lost it. Mimmy lost her twin. D:

Mimmy's in the Christmas tree!

My little sis would FREAK OUT if she saw this in real life.Pic credit to: Britney Fontana

Sour fruit stars. :>

The only time my hair looks brown is in the light, haha.

Sometimes I wish my hair was that shade of brown instead of black like all the other asians out there...then I remember that I'd probably look weird with brown hair. :x

Well I finally started on some homework.



How do breeders produce new genetic variations not found in nature?

Breeders can increase the genetic variation in a population by inducing mutations which are the ultimate source of genetic variability. Breeders can increase the mutation rate by using radiation and chemicals.



Before winter break ends I really need to get out of the house. -.- Which reminds me, I have yet to see New Moon!

I know, I know...Everyone's already seen it, and I need to be faster with these things! I don't really want to watch it though...I'm over the Twilight saga! I think the author, Stephenie Meyer, has some vampire and werewolf fantasy issues.

I just discovered that there's such a thing!

How amazingly delicious does it look?!?! I'm just imagining how it must taste! WHERE AND HOW CAN I GET A GREEN TEA KIT KAT BAR?! I'm seriously craving for chocolate right now, and seeing that pic is very upsetting. >:O

Why can't the US have it easily accessible?
Someone PLEASE save me! I'm having an awkward conversation with someone on Facebook.

Well at least it isn't as bad as this. ^^^

This girl from my middle school, who I barely talked to, added me on Facebook today. I confirmed the request. Then she wrote 'Hi there,' on my wall. I was really not expecting for us to talk on Facebook. I was expecting that we would just add each other and then ignore each other.

***I'm going to interrupt my rant on awkward chats to say that it is raining. GAWD I LOVE THE RAIN. :) The rain's pounding down pretty hard. -sigh- It should rain more often.***

This left me in an awkward predicament. Argument in my head:
When I say 'Hi' back, should I leave it at that, or should I ask her a question like, "How's it going?" or "How's your Winter Break been?"
I think I should to be polite, but if I ask her a question then she'll have to answer...then she'll ask me the same question, and our awkward convo would be even longer...
Well I decided to just write, "Hey(:" on her wall. Might as well end the awkwardness as soon as possible.


A few minutes later she decided to ask me how my winter break was going...So I replied. Out of courtesy I also asked her the same question. She hasn't replied yet, so we'll see what happens from here.

Update on the awkward fb chat: She keeps on asking me question! Ahhh, someone stop her! It's not fair...once she asks me a question I have to ask her the same one to be polite! It's such a forced convo, and she's just making it worse. D;

(I made a picture/signature thingy!)

The day's finally here. :D Did Santa decide you were naughty or nice?

So far today's been a pretty good day!

Argh, I'm a pirate. :)

Santa got me a...


*drum roll*



It's a little flashier and girlier than my taste, but I still love it. I can't deny that it's pretty, hehe. I also have to admit that Hello Kitty is pretty cute!

My dad's trying to figure out how to shorten the watch band, haha. It's a couple inches too long. :P

The gift that my dad's friend sent us is called 'The Ultimate Snowman.'

***The bottom row is just a repeat of the top row. >.<The snowman is round boxes stacked on top of each other, each one smaller than the one below it. Each box is filled with yummy treats. Cookies, fudge, hot chocolate, and sour fruit stars.

Shiny ornaments.
As each year draws closer and closer to its end, I always ask myself, "Should I even bother with New Year's Resolutions?" I never have any motivation to complete my resolutions! Even if my goals are reasonable, I still often find myself too lazy and unwilling to complete the damned thing.

I came up with resolutions just awhile ago though. Why not just for the heck of it? I think my goals are really attainable! The first one will definitely be a struggle though.

My New Year's resolutions for 2010!


Maybe I'll think of some more later on.

The 4th resolution, being more reliable with phone calls/texts, is a problem I've been having lately. -.-

I've been forgetting about my phone a lot during Winter Break. I'll remember to check it at the end of the day, but by then it really doesn't matter whether I respond to people, right? T_T Too late.

I forget to text people back too! I might hear my phone vibrate when I get a text, then I go do something and think to myself, "When I get back, I'll respond to the text message." Even if it's just a minute that I'm gone, I forget about the message by then. Then a couple hours I check my phone and remember I forgot to reply...then I feel guilty and sheepishly send back a text.

As soon as I know I get a text message, I MUST RESPOND TO IT RIGHT AWAY. No more telling myself to respond to it in a couple minutes. RESPOND RIGHT AWAY. Meh, I wonder if anyone else has this problem.


I got a new blog layout! I like it. :D I need to find a layout I like and stick with it. I've changed my blog layout many times already, and I've had this blog for barely more than a month! Maybe one of my resolutions should be to be more decisive. I could never stick with that though.

I've noticed that some blogs end there posts with a picture that acts as a signature. I like that idea! I need to create my own signature. :] So many creative bloggers out there.
41 minutes until it's officially Christmas!

Tick tock tick tock...


This is (part of) our Christmas tree pre-decoration! With two presents under it, haha. I'm not sure the pinkness of the tree can be seen. It's a pretty pale pink. Notice how one present is half one wrapping half another? My mom ran out of the red checkered wrapping and had to get creative.

I finished Christmas shopping today with my little sister. It's fun shopping with her, but difficult! Her attention span is so short, haha. She always runs off without saying anything, so you have to carefully watch her. She doesn't understand that little kids shouldn't be alone! Psh, she thinks she's a little adult! ;) I kept telling her, "Stay where I can see you, and tell me where you want to go before you run off!" But she WOULDN'T LISTEN. Man, I need more authority. -.- Even when she was throwing something in the trash outside of the store where I was waiting in line, I was anxiously watching her to make sure she came back okay. I felt so motherly and way older than my age!

Maybe I'm a little overprotective and paranoid...but honestly, the way that this world is, I don't think it's such a bad thing.


I bought most the gifts at Hallmark. I like that store(: The cozy feeling of it is nice! Just like a bookstore. When I went to purchase my items, the cashier complimented my robot coin purse. :D *ego boosted* Haha.

While my sister and I were shopping for gifts, my dad was at the apple store. He got himself a new laptop (his first Mac!). Merry Christmas to him. I don't know much about computers. All I know is that Macs are pretty! Anyways, some of my nerdy guy friends who enjoy talking about computers and flash drives once said Macs suck and are all about looks or something. My dad said Macs are safer though...like less virus-prone. Everything has its pros and cons I suppose! Macs are shiny. :D *sparkle sparkle* They're stealing Edward's sparkle thunder!

Speaking of Edward, his face is everywhere! I was at Claire's with my sister, and BAM! he was staring at me when I looked to my right. I'm surprised there were only Edward posters out for display. Everyone's Team Jacob now ever since New Moon the movie came out. Or at least they're Team Taylor. Seriously. There's a group on Facebook called, "Robert Pattinson, put your shirt back on!" Doesn't that say something? And apparently RP had spray-on abs in the movie. That's what my friend told me. Pretty pathetic if you ask me!

Wooo, it's 12:00 am. Officially Christmas!


I took another picture of my sister's present before wrapping it because it's just so damn cute!

I have pictures of an awesome gift my dad's friend sent us that I'll post tomorrow! The gift involves COOKIES and HOT CHOCOLATE, so how can it not be awesome?

The pimple on my nose is looking as disgusting as ever...but GOOD NEWS. I am positive it is ready to pop! I think I got it because:

1)Since Winter Break started I haven't really been taking great care of my skin. I usually stay up late, so sometimes I just want to go to bed and am too lazy to wash my face. I'm taking good care of my skin again now though(: Too bad it took a fugly pimple for me to do so.

2)I've been eating more junk food! Lots of chocolate. I read somewhere that it's just a myth that chocolate causes acne, but I feel like it definitely might have something to do with this pimple.

That's right. A pink tree.

My dad, brother, little sister, and I went in search for a Christmas tree, and one of the first ones we saw was a pink one. My brother keeps arguing that it's actually more of a lavender color, but my sister and I just ignore him. He's always trying to burst people's bubbles! HUMPH.

I'll take a picture of the tree later. : >

We also sent our older sister her Christmas present in the mail. My mom was like, "Let's send her some socks!" So we did. -.- Don't worry, that's not the only thing we sent her. :D My mom always wants to send my older sister practical stuff...but who knows, maybe my sister prefers getting practical things now that she's an adult and basically on her own. Now she can focus on getting non-practical things for herself.

I came across a blog that had a Christmas wish list collage thing, so I decided to do a very simple and crappy version of my own. ^-^


I actually don't REALLY want something. There's nothing I'm lusting over. ;) But any of the things I listed would be fine. Someone wanna buy those things for me? :D