if i was a robot




This is why I love we♥it so much. It's filled with amazing photos, and that photo is just extremely sweet. I wonder what their love story is...

I pass by strangers all the time, and most the time it's without a second thought...but it's weird to think how each of those strangers has their own story. You might see a smiling, happy woman, but what if just a year ago her life was in shambles? It's just weird how we encounter strangers all the time and know how they look, but we really know nothing about them. We'll never know their hardships and successes that brought them to where they are right now. The happiest looking people could be the ones that had the most struggles in their life.

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    April 2010

    Hey there. :) This is where all my thoughts, feelings, and day retellings go. Images used here are credited with click-through links.

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