if i was a robot

School work is eating up all my time...math homework in particular. I have to say that I'm starting to like math again. Last semester killed my interest in math, but this semester, things are going to change. >:]

Well guess what? I got my first spam comment. Oh yes, this is one proud day.

The robot looks so dull, haha.

Shit, the internet crashed and the long paragraphs I wrote are gone forever. Oh well, it was a rant anyway. I wonder if I should even bother retyping it though because my frustration is gone. :P If I do retype it, it'll be tomorrow. Now I have to sleep. -.-

P.S. I saw the Wesley Chan look-a-like today. Very cute. ;)

-rant deleted-
It rained a lot today, and there was thunder and LIGHTNING. Zap. :D

FIRST DAY OF THE NEW SEMESTER. I finally got a new backpack! I've had the same backpack for yearsss...dating back to my days in elementary school! I never realized how crummy and worn out it had gotten though till I had my new backpack. It feels much easy to carry things around. Plus my old backpack had a habit of opening by itself, so that's why I always carried it on one shoulder to try and prevent that. Whenever I wear my backpack on one shoulder, my brother says to me, "Trying to be cool, eh?" GRRR...

Well on to my classes for the new semester, cuz I know everyone wants to hear about it. (sarcasm)

My classes are pretty decent, and I had a pretty good day.

Chinese class has a lot of the same people---it should be good. Art has lots of new people, and lots of the old people switched to a different class time. :( Math! The math teacher looks super young. Well maybe it's cuz he is young, but for some reason I expected him to be middle-aged, even though many people said he seemed like a high school student. I thought by that they meant he just got along well with students. Bio is alright. I don't know many people. LUNCH! Lunch is the same since everyone signed up for the same lunch time.

NINJA SIS, you should have taken lunch the same time as me!!!

Modern world is the same pretty much. New people, but plenty of the same people too. ENGLISH. I was scared I wouldn't be able to find my English class, but I did. AHAHA, I'm so proud of myself. Actually I asked a teacher where it was before I even had a chance to get lost. For that, I think I deserve to be proud still. ;)

GYM. Honestly, there's a lot of douches in my gym class. I don't like it! I hate their egos. One of them styled his hair with lots of gel into this weird faux hawk thing and strut around the school like he was the best looking thing ever. He never did anything douchey to me, but his whole attitude just disturbs me. He has a sidekick. I don't know why his sidekick has such an ego since he always gets overshadowed and it's obvious that he's a sidekick, but whatever. There's really no explanation for why some people are so conceited.

The gym teacher let us out early. I decided to walk home in the rain. :D I didn't think it'd rain as hard as it did, but that's alright. There was thunder and flashes of light, and the rain peppered down on me, soaking my sweats. It turned them into a whole darker shade of gray. I was wearing shorts underneath so I didn't feel the rain, haha.


Aiyah, I never wake-up when there's thunder. People in my homeroom were like, "DUDE, DID YOU HEAR THE THUNDER AT 5AM?!" No, I was too busy sleeping. I did wake up to the sound of rain clashing against my window though.

It was amazing watching the rain sweep across the streets. Something about it seemed unreal for some reason. I kept smiling because the air felt so crisp and the rain was refreshing. I liked getting the time to be alone too. Lately I've just been thinking about how I'm drifting away from people and how I'm sick of being so careful around certain people. It was a nice break. It feels like it's a multiple choice test with those certain people. Only, there's two possible "right" answers. 1) Choose what they would like/want me to do. 2) Do whatever the fuck I want and if they don't like it, then screw them because the world doesn't revolve around them. They're the Earth, and this is heliocentrism.

ANYWAYS. Then I got home and my dad started picking on me so we got in a big fight. The end.

I finished all my homework! That's pretty amazing for me, but I did promise myself that I would put more effort into school.

I miss my friends from middle school. :(

Err, the way I'm ending this blog entry disturbs me, but oh well.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


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It was raining earlier today. I love the rain. I don't know why so many people complain about it when it rains at school. >:[ "Blah blah blah, it ruins my hair, blah blah blah." It doesn't even rain that much over here, and that girl's hair looked EXACTLY the same as on non-rainy days.


I still have more pics from Friday, haha.

Drawing on the math board with Ninja Sis :D

More flowers! Om nom nom...

Ninja Sis being weird. JUST KIDDING.

-insert caption here- :D

This weekend seemed to pass by so fast...even though I didn't do anything, haha. I enjoy being a hermit sometimes. :D

Today I'm just going to have a Cheers marathon! Man, why aren't there shows like that now?

I was thinking that for my blog's 1 year anniversary I would try downloading WordPress...I even found a good host, but it still confuses me a lot. >:[ I don't know if I'll be able to figure it out or keep it up. Then I remembered Weebly! I think it's sort of a combination of Blogspot and Wordpress which I guess is what I've been looking for all along. :) So I guess that's my plan for my blog's 1 year anniversary! Yes, I'm thinking very far ahead and ruining the surprise.

And in other news...there's a cat fight going on via blogspot. YES, TWO PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER THROUGH A BLOG. What the hell. It's none of my business, but it's just interesting. One person blogs an entry, and the other comments on it with their comeback.
Me: Hello?

Random Man: Yes, is this Dr. ____?

Me: Uhh, what?

Random Man: Is this Dr. ____?

Me: Oh...uhh...No. Uhmm... *hangs up*

Yes, I'm always that smooth.

I also got a text message from a random texter who wants their number to be spread all over the nation. I'm going to google their number and see what comes up, haha.

Color splash :D
Candy that Ninja Sis gave me! Her blog links are in the sidebar.

Turning candy wrappers into rings. How creative of us. :)

Piece of candy covered in ants. Ninja Sis provoked them with a stick. -.-

I can never find a complete deck of cards in my house. :(

My next WS. Aiyo, I think most my editing turns out looking tacky!

No school tomorrow!
Yes, I realize I'm slow when it comes to the news...

I'm not sure what to say. Nothing I say here will make a difference, but let's all pray for Haiti for things to eventually become okay! Natural disasters are so devastating...

Things like this kind of help to put things in perspective though.

The rest of this post will just be pictures.




So Ninja Sis and I both want a decent camera so we can take pictures of random things. Time to save up and get a job!

Gecko and I are going to try and get a summer job together. We'll either be gardeners or caddies, haha. We both want to get jobs as caddies though because there's a chance we'll get to be in a golf cart! :D Maybe we'll even get to drive one (which is highly unlikely). Plus the golfers tip the caddies at the end.

Back to today.

Our English teacher let us out early since it's the last day of the first semester, so Ninja Sis and I took pictures of stuff we saw while walking around the school grounds. We had to use my phone to take pics. >.< Pretty decent pictures though! We took 20-some pictures, so I'll be spreading them out in the next few posts.

It was fun hanging out with you todayyy, Ninja Sisterrr. ^-^

THIS is her blog.

Gecko actually took this pic ;)

Tree stumps are fascinating

Flowerrrr...OM NOM NOM

Not so good a choice to wear flats today. Gecko was in awe at the paleness of my feet. >.<

If you're reading this Hamtaro, sorry that our plans didn't work out cuz of me! :( I blame my dad. Muahaha.

Oh, and at lunch, Stilts was taking pictures of me without me knowing! >:[ I was walking towards her to tell her to stop when she took a picture of me again. Then she pointed at the picture she took and said, "You have such a womanly walk!" LOL, that ridiculous, cheesy cheese puff! She's just jealous that Kawaii and I, along with a few others, are women and she is not! She is NOT allowed in the women's bathroom. She has to stick with the girl's restroom.

I expect pictures of me to show up on Facebook soon. >.> Pictures where I look stupid. BUT WHATEVER. "There are no bad pictures. That's just how your face looks sometimes."
Too bad tomorrow we're finding out our test results. Fingers crossed that I did alright.

It's so crushing when you come out of class from taking a test that leaves you feeling totally defeated when you hear someone say to their friend, "That was really easy." STFU. (That was such a long-winded sentence, wasn't it? -.-)


Just thought I'd randomly post a pic my little sis edited of a husky stuffed animal. It's so cute what little kids come up with.
Today was pretty good, considering that we got to leave school a few hours early! I went to the art room after my last final and FINALLY finished my painting. Then Stilts and Keyew came so I hung out with them for awhile before my dad came to pick me up.

I'm seriously craving for Quicklys right now. The school was selling bubble milk tea for a few dollars. It's kind of a rip off...but since Quicklys isn't that close to school, it's worth it to avoid the trip there. I didn't have enough though. I would've had enough to buy some if Keyew hadn't borrowed money from me to buy snacks from the vending machine, haha. Thanks a lot Keyew.

I guess this means I better plan a trip to Quicklys. *ahem* Hamtaro and Jojo *ahem*

In Chinese class we had to present our skits. They had to be 5-7 minutes long. Our skit was too short. The teacher was giving us the signal to lengthen it by ad-libbing. I completely blanked. I couldn't figure out anything to say in Chinese that would be useful for the skit's context. Luckily J was able to think of a couple things to say.

I have to admit that I was just a little annoyed with J. She was really cocky about our skit. E and I were saying that we should add more lines to our skit just in case since it's better to be long than too short (don't even think about it ;)). She said, "No! It's fine. We just need to speak slowly and take our time acting it out." I was really skeptical because it seemed risky, not to mention obvious that we were trying to add time...I guess it's my fault for not pushing us to add more lines to the script, but she seemed so confident and wouldn't listen to E or I. The good thing about our skit was that it at least made people laugh. It was fun because a lot of the skits kind of poked fun at Asians. Since we were all Asian, it was all good.

Urgghhh, since when did I let guys distract me so much? Always I guess, haha.

Edit: I forgot! I had to run the mile today for my gym final. I felt like shitttt halfway through the run, and afterwards I felt like passing out. At least I got under the passing time...but DAMN. I'm out of shape.

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Weheartit.com is awesome. I'm glad I found out about it through a couple blogs.

For this past week I've been napping when I get home. I need to stop, but I feel so tired...I always tell myself, "I'm just gonna rest here for a couple minutes." Then I wake up an hour later feeling even more exhausted. x_x

Today I had finals for biology and English. EWWW. For biology the teacher said that she's going to curve our grades. Phew. There were so many questions that I was unsure about. -.-

After school I met up with my Chinese group to work on our skit. I also met up with them at lunch. One of the group member's friends was staring at me. I get so uncomfortable when strangers stare for a long time, and they don't even feel awkward at all. Even when I looked back at him, he just kept on staring at me unwaveringly. I don't even think he was blinking. It was starting to get creepy so I went into "bitch mode" and started shooting him some annoyed glances. Of course they didn't bother him at all. Then our group decided to work somewhere else so it was all good. :D

Lunch was really laidback today. It was about two hours longer than usual because of finals, haha. We all sat on the floor. It was pretty quiet at lunch. We had funny moments, but a lot of the time we just relaxed in silence. A GOOD silence. A silence that says a lot and nothing at the same time. Ha, that's my attempt at deepness. It sounds pretty trite. Anyways, you know you've found good friends when silence isn't awkward with them.

During my English final I saw something scuttling along the wall. I turned to my right and saw a spider. I flinched. -.- Then I flinched again when it fell off the wall. I guess I'm just glad I didn't scream like I usually do when I see a spider at home. Gahh, how wimpy am I? I wanted to poke Ninja Sis repeatedly and tell her to look at the freaking spider, but then I remembered we were taking a FINAL. So I stayed professional, haha.
Okay, so it's finals week at my school. What does that mean?

It means that people can't stop shutting up about it on Facebook. Grrrrrr. *head desk*

I understand that finals are important, so it's worth talking about. HOWEVER, I can't stand those people who update their Facebook status FIFTY times a day saying basically the same thing over and over again. "Finals suck." "Finals can kiss my ass." "Finals can suck my dick." Then some people are just plain whiny. "Raawwwwrrrrr, I studied for 2 hours. RAAWWWRRRR." Then an hour later they update saying, "Rawwwwrrr, I studied for 3 hours. Raawwwrrr, someone kill me now." And in between the hours of their "studying", they create some more statuses complaining about finals and other random shit. This one girl kept making 5 second videos of her saying obscene things about finals. Her first video was funny. Her second video was......alright. Then I ignored all her other 20 videos she made.

Don't make me hate you because of your Facebook statuses.

Well I had two finals today. Math and history. I gave them a brown text color because they are extremely poo-ish. I think I failed them both.

On a girlier note...There's a guy at school who looks like WESLEY CHAN from Wong Fu Productions. His eyes especially remind me of Wesley.


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Such thoughtful, curious, and CUTE looking eyes. When that guy from school came into one of my classes, I couldn't stop staring at him and admiring the fact that his face resembled Wesley's so much. Haha I'm creepy, aren't I? If you haven't watched any of Wong Fu Productions's videos, then you need to! You'll understand why girls fall for them through their videos. ;)

There was also a guy who looked like Philip Wang!

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Haven't seen anyone (yet) that looks like Ted. :(

Something this week that made me smile was this image:

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Well I guess I'm going to keep the default title for this post.

So I made the switch from blogger to wordpress.


Not that I'm a professional blogger or anything, but I like how wordpress seems more professional than blogspot. The only problem I have with wordpress is the limitation on templates. No CSS editing unless you pay for it? Whaaaaattt?! Plus I have to admit that most the templates wordpress offers are ugly. Even if wordpress just let people change the colors of a layout, I'd be pretty happy. I like simple layouts anyway.

So there's wordpress.org which is really customizable? It seems too complicated for my tiny little brain. -.- Maybe in the summer when I'm not overloaded with homework I'll take a look at it.


Today we had to sign up for our classes/teachers at school for the upcoming semester. I planned to meet with Gecko and Stilts beforehand to work on art, so I went to school 30 minutes early. It was so crowded outside. I made my way into the building and got into the art classroom where a teacher was there all by himself. He mumbled something in my direction that I didn't catch, so I asked him what he said. He didn't respond...It was awkward.

Then Gecko got in. 10 minutes later Stilts tried to get inside the building, but a security guard stared her down and shook his head at her. Uhm, WHAT?!

She had to wait outside. :( When Gecko and I had to sign up for classes (we had the same rotation time), I expected for people to be running around, flailing their arms as they made a mad dash to the tables to sign up. It was strangely CALM. It didn't help that the gym was so warm. I actually felt myself getting bored and sleepy as I walked from table to table. -.- Wow, all that stress and worry about class sign ups for nothing. Everyone made it seem like people would be going crazy and you had to fight tooth and nail for a class. There was even a story that a teacher got TRAMPLED at class sign ups. That's actually pretty hilarious, but how the hell did it happen?! People weren't even fast walking. The only person I saw running around was Gecko, haha. Silly girl. :)

I got basically all the teachers that I wanted. HUZZAH! The only teacher I didn't get that I wanted was for English. I had to sign up for a teacher I never heard of, but hopefully he's not a terrible teacher like most the teachers at our school.