if i was a robot




-" Thou hast described
A hot friend cooling. Ever note, Lucilius,
When love begins to sicken and decay
It useth an enforced ceremony.
There are no tricks in plain and simple faith;
But hollow men, like horses hot at hand,
Make gallant show and promise off their mettle,
But when they should endure the bloody spur,
They fall their crests and, like deceitful jades.
sink in the trial. "
-From Julius Caesar

Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le!!!

Haha, my fail Chinese.

I really had no idea what to get Stilts. >.< She never gave any indication of what she wanted, and when I asked her she would give me silly answers. She's too nice. She doesn't want people spending on her! I got her a lame present, haha. A balloon (the mini ones on the plastic stick) and chocolates. -.- I put her present on her chair in art class, but when she came into the room she went to my desk instead and stayed there for more than 15 minutes! Usually she goes to her desk first...it's like she knew, haha. I didn't want to say 'Happy Birthday' until she found her present, but then so much time went by that I bet before she found the gift, she thought I forgot it was her bday. x] I couldn't forget though! The past few days I would keep reminding her. "Hmm...I wonder what's coming up soon?" "Who's birthday is coming up?" "Do you know what day it is tomorrow?" I think I was pretty annoying(:


Random pics...

I like this pic for some reason. BANANANANA! That was from my adventure with ninja sis. I was wearing my Kid Cudi shirt. <3

PhotobucketThis game is awesome! I like all TD games.

I'm getting into the Christmas spirit, and I got the SHOPPING BUG! I NEED to go shopping this weekend for pressies and clothes for myself. ;] I have a good idea what to get my two secret santas (at gym my friends and I formed another secret santa group).

Today was such a good day...then BAM!, math class. My good day became bad. -.-

I think that one of the scariest parts of school is taking a test where you have no clue about anything. The teacher passes out the test, and you just sit there, staring frantically at the paper wondering if you know at least one of the answers. It's even worse if you studied...

Multiple choice tests are alright, but if it's a test where you have to give short answers, then it's really bad because you have to either leave the question blank or give a ridiculous guess. I'm thinking about math tests in particular though. Math tests are rarely multiple choice, so if you don't know how to do the math then there's basically nothing you can do...

...which is what happened to me today. D: I knew kind of what to do to figure out the math problems, but I wasn't sure how to actually complete the problem. On the first part of the test there's only one answer that I think I got right. How fucking sad is that? At one point I was considering breaking down into tears and giving up on the whole thing. T_T At least on the second part of the test I actually understood the math.

Also, during the test my throat made this really weird, loud noise out of nowhere. O_O Haha, it was a little embarrassing.

WHATEVER. Enough feeling sorry for myself! At least I'm learning from this...STUDY STUDY STUDY!

But the thing is, my math teacher always teaches us the basics and gives us easy examples. Then on the test there's always these questions that we've never seen before, so we have to be able to apply what we learned to figure it out. I really suck at that. When it comes to math I need someone to take me through the steps before I can understand and know how to solve the problem. -sigh-

Like I said, besides math, today was good.

But I'm disappointed in myself. D:
When I'm feeling lazy and just want to have a really comfortable day at school, I throw on a pair of sweats...which is usually every Monday. Monday's are loathsome! I wish I could delete them, but then Tuesday would just become the new Monday.

I kind of looked like I was wearing PJs, haha. Dramas told me in class, "You're wearing like the most laid back clothes you could find. I would go to bed in that." LOL(: Sweats are the best though. Honestly, to me, jeans aren't that comfortable at all. They're so restricting. :P I wear them because...what else is there to wear?! Leggings (should NOT be used in place of pants), skirts, and dresses just aren't for me, and I can't wear sweats every day (or can I?).

Since I was feeling lazy today, I also wore my glasses instead of bothering with contacts. Geez, I've worn my glasses a lot of times already, but people still comment on them EVERY single time. My homeroom buddy was like, "Wait...do you normally wear glasses? Because you look normal in them, but I thought you don't wear glasses." My math teacher asked me if I got new glasses. When Ai saw me he shouted, "OMYGAWD, YOU HAVE GLASSES. YOU LOOK SO ASIAN." Then later in the day he asked me, "You wear glasses?" WTF! Hahaha. Why would you ask someone who's wearing glasses if they wear them or not?

My day always goes great until math class. I'm really drowning in that class! I feel like everyone around me understands everything right away, and I'm just struggling to figure out equations and logs that my teacher says are "easy, and [we] should know them all." I really hate it when teachers say, "Oh this is soooo easy," because what if you don't get it? Then you end up feeling really stupid. :(

In middle school, math was so much simpler to me. Bleh...high school...I have no freaking idea how I got into this accel math class. But I think I'm doing so poorly in math because I don't want to learn in that subject. My parents are making me really hate math. They expect it to be my best class, and they think it's supposed to come really natural to me. -.-

"Why aren't you the best in your math class?! You're supposed to be the best." AIYO! LEAVE ME ALONE.

Not everyone can be the best...and I don't have that passion or drive to try to be...

Gotta work on a long ass essay now...
That's my stomach. :P

I'm booorrreeedddd!!! Today's a homework day. -.- I'm drowning in homework! There's a lot of tests I have to study for too. I can't focus though. I work for one minute, then I just drift to the computer and get distracted.

Random pics I found on my phone:


It stands for Ninja Sisters. We're ninjas who have the same birthday(:


That's my legs and her legs. That was taken at lunch when we were on an "adventure." Tico and Boots. We sat at her locker to stalkfind a certain guy. (Yay for running shoes!)

DRAMAS!!! <333

LOL, she's so anti-camwhorey. This was at gym when we were playing tennis.

I'm feeling annoyed at photobucket! I was editing some pictures, and I clicked SAVE. BUT MY EDITS WEREN'T SAVED. On photobucket it showed my edits, but when I uploaded the pics, they didn't have my edits on it! I dunno what's going on, but it's bugging me. I don't know how some bloggers do it...uploading pics is such a pain in the butt! I've only uploaded four and I'm already making a '-.-' face.

Jojo! :D

This was at her house. That was such a fun day(: Pigging out, watching TV, going online, IMing people under Jojo's account, making stuff out of paper, finding snails, rating cars....It was such a laid back day.


Yes, that's me. It's hard work looking that cool. -.-

If I was a guy, I would totally grow facial hair like that!

That's all for this post...I'm too lazy and frustrated to upload more pictures. Some weird stuff is going on with photobucket...it's usually pretty simple to upload stuff.
Since I can't make blog layouts of my own or make a proper blog header, I figured I might as well search for templates online. :D

That's where I found my current template, and I love it!(:

I think there's something wrong with my computer. Out of nowhere, it took me to this disturbing anime page. -.- I don't think I would like to meet the people who draw such disturbing things...


I had a weird dream. The whole school went on vacation to a resort or something. We took a long train ride there. Even though Jojo and Hamtaro don't go to the same school, they were there too. When we got to the resort, everyone ran around claiming their room. Gecko was already in a room and told me I could share it with her and Kawaii. There were four beds inside, and on one bed all my stuff was unpacked on it, even though my suitcase was in my hand. O_O

The details of the dream are really fuzzy...I forgot most of it already, but it was just really weird. I can't quite capture the weirdness of it. D:

I have a freaking essay to write...I hate those things...

MAYBE, just maybe, if I use big words, the teacher will give me an A+ for sounding smart.

Too bad my teacher sees through those types of things. He's such a picky English teacher! But I think my writing is improving.

Damn...I used to think I was a pretty good writer when I was in middle school. I would get A's on writing assignments when I didn't even try. Now I realize that it was because of my teachers. I once forgot I had to write an essay for Language Arts, so I quickly wrote it in about 10 minutes. I got an A on it. That says a lot about the types of teachers I had because I really didn't put any effort into that essay at all. I'm so unprepared for high school...
Today I fell while going up the stairs (you have to be pretty clumsy to do that >.<), and I made a loud thud when my knee hit the stairs. My brother turned around from what he was doing and just stared at me with a, "What are you doing?" look on his face. Then he turned back around. Geez! What happened to asking people if they were okay!?


It makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, haha. :)

Today at lunch, I had a semi-deep conversation with Stilts and HalfFull.We were talking about how so many people changed ever since high school started. A LOT of girls became more girly...like last year they never thought about makeup at all, but now they wear it every day and obsess over it. People also got a lot more arrogant. It's like just being in high school boosted their egos up 100%. -.- Although I do like high school better than middle school, I think high school makes people different. D:

Change is inevitable...I mean, I've changed a lot too, and so has Stilts and HalfFull, but we haven't changed THAT much. At least we didn't become super arrogant all in the time span of three months of summer.

So many high schoolers have an ego! They think they're so cool. It just makes me wish someone would put them in their place. For example, at lunch my friends and I saw this table of "cool" kids laugh at a boy who was pretty small. When he walked by them, they all laughed liked crazy. They acted like he was some kind of freak just because he's short. Then those "cool" people kept staring at him and continued laughing.

What the hell!?

I really don't understand what they found to be so funny. I think it was peer pressure. They all laughed at the boy because that's what they thought each other would do.

Other than that, today was pretty damn good(:

p.s. Chex Mix Spicy Szechuan is SO good! My friend had a bag of it in homeroom and I freeloaded off of her. Mmmm, I'm craving for some right now.
Me: Ai, you look handsome without your glasses!
Ai: SHUT UP!!!!!!! I know you're being sarcastic!

LOL, he's so funny...and he knows me so well. Although he does look better without his glasses. Dramas and I agreed on that(:

Today was good. At lunch Stilts, HalfFull, Kawaii, Gecko, and I tried doing the Cingular raising the bar thing. It didn't really work out though, haha. HalfFull and Stilts were too close in height, and HalfFull and I were also too close in height.

Then we started comparing our hands with each other and saw who had the most flexible hand. -.- I failed. We tried making a star with our fingers and feet but no one was cooperating! Grrr...

We're so weird. But I like weird, as long as weird isn't too weird. :>

In gym we did this interesting circuit thing. After gym we all headed to the locker room to change and get our stuff. Dramas's locker was jammed, and she couldn't open it. She asked some teachers for help, but they couldn't get it open either. They used a hammer, screwdriver, and a big ass mallet. 15 minutes went by but no progress was made. My mom called me and yelled at me to meet her outside school because she was picking me up and was in a rush so I had to go. But Dramas told me today that it took a total of 30 minutes before the locker was open. A security guard had to come and break it. xD

I love ratemyteachers.com

It's a way for students to get "revenge" on bad teachers. Like my art teacher. She's a terrible teacher who has favorites. I went to ratemyteachers.com and gave her the worst rating possible. :D I felt better afterwards. She had a pretty bad rating to begin with. The only people who gave her a good rating were people who are really good at art and found her class easy. Muahaha. >:]
While we were eating lunch, there were a lot of seagulls around us. One of my friends told me the seagulls would attack me for some reason. -.- Psh, he was the one eating BREAD. Everyone knows birds have a thing for bread.

I was talking with people when the next thing I know, my eyes were covered right when someone (I think maybe it was Gecko) yelled, "SEAGULL!!!" My instant reaction was that a seagull was attacking me. Hahaha. I'm so stupid, right?!

I quickly discarded that idea because it was obviously a hand over my eyes and not a seagull. It was STILTS! CURSE HER! x] I started laughing my ass off while choking and spitting out food because I had a forkful of lunch in my mouth when she attacked me.

After I finally swallowed my food and calmed down, I told everyone how for a split second I stupidly thought a seagull was attacking me. Of course the friend that told me the seagulls would go after me laughed like crazy while calling me stupid. x[

LOL, I wonder how we looked to people that don't know us...probably like psychos.


I realized that I like reading Shakespeare. In English we're reading Julius Caesar (a play). I like how the dialogue sounds so formal and nice, and how people don't talk straightforward but with MANY metaphors. I like how the words sound, but the meaning of them is totally lost on me! I only understand what's going on in the play until my teacher explains it. Then a light bulb goes off in my head and I think, "Ohhhh, I get it now!!!"

In class I read the part of Brutus. Brutus had so much to say in that scene. >.< It was okay though because a bunch of people were in the front of the classroom too, reading for different parts, and a few of them were friends. It was actually fun. I wanted to keep on reading! When I was reading outloud, I think it helped me understand the words better.

In the middle of the scene I was the only one at the front of the classroom. D: Everyone else went back to their seats because in the book their characters exited the stage. Brutus just stood there by himself, talking to himself and speaking out his thoughts, haha. On the plus side, I got to say the word 'bastardy.' How often can you say that in class and get away with it? ;]

Gecko and Kawaii got the idea to do Secret Santa for Christmas! :D Honestly, I have never done a Secret Santa before! I've done a White Elephant party which is kind of similar, but still very different.

The Secret Santa is just going to be between Gecko, Kawaii, Stilts, and me. We thought about getting more people to join, but decided not to.

We wrote our names on slips of paper and put them in a bag. I drew Gecko! I have a feeling that she drew me, but I don't know for sure. xD

The first time we drew out names from the bag, I got Stilts (which I was secretly hoping for because I had a good idea on what I would get her). We had to redraw though because Kawaii drew herself, haha. So the second time I got Gecko. For Gecko I'm not exactly sure what to get her...Clothes maybe. I want to do something creative though. I still have to think! But I have some time to figure it out(:

I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit. I'm excited for the Secret Santa thinger.

Santa is REAL