if i was a robot

Today was a typical day.

Except that Ai told me who he likes, haha. I suspected it was her, but before he had told me that he didn't like herwhen I had asked. He's such a convincing liar. That butthole!

After school I saw Keyew with some of her friends. I went to go say hi and offered her a ride since EVERY school day she has to take an hour and a half commute from school to her house. She said no because her house was too far away. I expected her to say that. I know her so well. ;) So then I offered that my dad could just drop her off at the bus stop which would still save her some time, but she was still hesitating. Then Keyew's friend, who's her bus buddy, ditched her and went without her to the bus stop. -.- I hate friends who ditch without a single word. At least have the decency to say bye?! So yeah, I made Keyew get a ride from me to the bus stop so she could beat her ditching friend there. KARMA. If her friend had stuck around, I would have also offered her a ride. But no, ditchers don't get such privileges.

When I got home I took a nap. Naps are the best, haha. <3

I dreamed that my family and I went on vacation. At the hotel we booked, we got the President's Suite...it was an oval shaped room with a cushioned seating area all along the wall.

Then I went to my neighbor's house where Stilts and Gecko were. We hung out, then I opened the front door and saw that it was SNOWING. A light, velvety layer of snow had already covered everything. I was like, "OMGGGG!!!" and ran outside. Then Stilts was like, "Nooo! Don't go outside! There's random pieces of ice falling from the sky that will stab you!" So then I rushed back inside and looked for a camera.

I found it, but then my neighbor grabbed it before I could and said, "Take a picture for your music video!" I thought he was going to take a picture of me, but he took one of himself. Then he showed it to me and said, "Use this for your music video!" I was thinking to myself, 'What music video?'

Then I woke up.
There's a ton of camera pictures on weheartit.

Click here to view all the images tagged with 'camera'.

I want them all (the cameras, not the images)! :(

Anyone care to buy me one? Haha.

image via

Well yesterday I discovered that my little sister has somehow learned the word PWNED. She can use it correctly too. "That guy just got PWNED!"

Yeeeepppp, I'm very proud of her.

Now that I think about it, I haven't heard anyone say 'PWNED' in a very long time. Hmmm...*suspicious*

Not only was yesterday the day that my sister unleashed her new vocab word, it was also the day of my her school's Chinese New Year event.

I didn't really want to go to the event, but it ended up being pretty fun. Plus there was good food. :mrgreen:

My sister and her Chinese class performed 3 times last night. It was really cute. One of the performances was a lion dance. The boys in the class were in the lion costumes, and they kept bumping into the girls. The girls were all like, "Ahh!" and the boys were all like, "Oops, whatever."

There was also a raffle, and my sister won a prize. :D

She got a $5 giftcard to Starbucks! Not bad.

The grand prize was tickets for good seats at a basketball game. It didn't really seem like anyone wanted the tickets though. The winner, a little boy, seemed happier to have won something than to have won basketball tickets.

In my opinion, the best prizes were the baskets filled with food and candy. :P

The vice prinicipal of the school won three raffle ticket prizes. What the hell? I think that's pretty messed up.

First off, how is she even allowed to be in the raffle since she has such a "high" role in the school. It's like the president winning the lottery.

Second off, where's her conscience? She's stealing prizes away from little 5-6 year old kids.

Third off, she's not even Chinese. She's white.

Of course I'm just kidding about that last point.



The most anticipated day of the week. :)

Awhile ago, someone (Ninja Sis's sister's friend) ordered two pieces of jewelry for me from this website: 2 Dollar Jewelry

I ordered this bracelet,

and this ring.


The bracelet's so pretty and shiny, haha. When I was wearing it during school, I kept staring at it. Being easily distracted for the win?

The ring's...well...

...it's basically for people with CHUBBY ASS FINGERS.

Seriously, who has fingers that large? It doesn't even stay on my thumb.

Well I knew that the ring would probably be too big when I was deciding if I should get it or not, so I can't complain. Ninja Sis had the idea that I could put the ring on a necklace string. I'll probably do that.


Okay, so some posts back I mentioned that my family will be getting new phones soon (ish). I was thinking of sticking with my phone (my dad's old bb), but I think the bb's time is almost up. D: It's had a pretty long run though!

My phone and I have been having some issues lately...such as ACCIDENTAL DIALING. GAH!

Even when I turn my phone OFF, it somehow manages to call people. It often accidentally dials my mom which leaves her angry. -.- Even if I don't have people on speed dial, my bb still manages to call them.

I also can't upload pictures from my phone. :( I wonder if this is my phone's problem, the computer's problem, or the usb cord's problem.

Man, I want to get more jewelry from that website, haha.

SO, how have you been?

Of course I expect no reply...but if you do respond, you get a cookie! ;)
Well I was going to type up a cheesy entry...but 3/4 into typing it up, I decided that I didn't like it.  So I deleted it all. Good bye wordy entry. Hello mini entry.

ASDFGHJKL, I haven't posted up a 'weekly secret' in forever! Here's one I made awhile back.

I feel kind of weird posting it since I made it so long ago, but I really want to keep up with my 'weekly secrets' idea. I must stick with it, haha.


Lunch was fun today-

Ai's so sweet, haha. He said that he would learn Korean just for the girl that he likes (since she's very much into Korean things). I think I know who this girl is...

Besides talking about Ai's crush, we also played with a roly poly my friend found. Okay, I didn't actually play with it since roly polys creep me out, but I watched others play with it. Ai was totally abusing it. -.- The roly poly fell on it's back, and he just kept jabbing it with a leaf.

We're watching the movie Troy in English class.

With Brad Pitt acting for the role of Achilles. How dreamy, haha.

So far, I think I'm liking Achilles' character.

Orlando Bloom is also in the movie. He plays Paris. I must admit that he's rather good looking, ha.

Paris' character is okay I guess...he's impulsive and doesn't think things out, but he's sweet.

"If you come, we'll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us. But I'll love you. Until the day they burn my body, I will love you."


I can't wait till our class starts reading the Odyssey!

I love reading Greek myths, so I'm sure the Odyssey will be amazing. :)

After school I went to photography club with Ninja Sis.

The girl who came to the club last time was there. The first time I met her, she came off as snobby stuck-up...although she still seems a little snobby, I think she's okay now that I've met her for a second time. She seems like a decent person who just doesn't realize how she's coming off. She was pretty friendly towards me. She showed me a picture she took of a girl playing soccer, and it was pretty awesome.

So yeah...even though she was really critical towards the photography club/the members, my opinion of her has definitely become more positive.

Note to self: Give people a chance. :]


"I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of tomorrow. I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing that you'll never come back."

-Helen from the movie Troy
During gym today, we had to play volleyball. Is it bad that I aimed the volleyball at this clumsy guy so that I could score my team some points? -.- In all fairness, the other team was cheating! They were also freakishly competitive.

image via

This one girl in particular.

She kept ordering people around on her team. "Stand there", "Move to the left", "GET THE BALL!!!". She also tried any tactic she could to make my team lose points. "That point didn't count! I wasn't ready when you served the ball!", "That serve doesn't count because you didn't call out the score first." The best part? She's not that good at volleyball yet has the nerve to boss people around like she's some volleyball master. Every time the volleyball came her way, she would either flee from it or manage to hit it backwards. Then she would blame it on a teammate. "I thought you were going to get the ball so I hesitated."

GRRR...Nothing interesting (that I can remember) happened today. I did see a guy who looked like Mayonaise. If you're reading this Hamtaro, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. I felt like LOLing after I passed him in the hallway for some weird, unexplainable reason.

After school I walked home to be greeted by FRIED RICE. My grandparents had boughten fried rice, and my grandpa heated some up for me to eat as an after school snack. My belly is full and I am content. :D

image via

I take back what I said about Ai not being able to be serious, haha. He has his moments.

I'm this close to figuring out who he likes! I know (well, highly suspect) that she's in my gym class, and I've narrowed it down to TWO people. He won't tell me who this (lucky?;)) girl is. He says he doesn't trust me! He won't tell me who he likes until I tell him who I like...but I honestly don't like anyone at the moment.
Hung out with Hamtaro, Jojo, and ALICEPOO today. :mrgreen: It was fun, even though I could only stay for a couple hours. I bet they're still at the mall right now, haha. ^-^

Skip the bracketed text if you don't give a damn about how my day went. It's rather boring to read about people's day, isn't it?

[I woke up at 7am but shut my eyes and made myself fall back asleep. I did that a couple more times before finally getting out of bed at 9. -.-

I checked in on my sister who was just waking up. I made her pancakes for breakfast. She didn't eat them. Humph! Picky little girl.

Then I had to leave since we planned to meet up at 11. My unhelpful brother was watching youtube videos and ignored me when I asked him to keep our sister company and to lock the door after I left. So I yelled at him. He finally responded, but I missed the bus cuz of him. I called Hamtaro and talked to her until the next bus came.

When I got to the mall I went to the Apple Store where Hammy was. Then later Jojo came and tried to sneak up on us. Aha, we were not scared. :D Actually, I kind of was since I turned around and BAM! she was right there. We camwhored for about 1 minute. ^-^

After the Apple Store, we went to Wetzel's Pretzels and then to Starbucks. Jojo and I got green tea frappuccinos. Ahhh, so good! Jojo's frappuccino had a lot of whipped cream on top while mine had a tiny amount. We LOL'd at that.

We looked around at stores. ALICEPOO came while we were at American Eagle. Then we went to this Asian clothing store. I didn't notice how huge a lot of the clothes there were until ALICEPOO pointed it out. I liked a jacket there. It was soft and pretty. I didn't get it.

I just realized that we spent a lot of time pointing at random clothes and saying, "You should get this" to each other. We did that multiple times at each store we went to, haha.

When we went to Wet Seal, I took forever there. Sorry you guys. D: There was a "Tees + Tanks 3 for $15" thing that I wanted to do. I took a long time picking out the 3 tops. I don't know why.

1 gray tank top, 1 purple tank top, and 1 black v-neck shirtPhotobucket

There were a couple girls at Wet Seal who we used to go to school with. They're a year younger than us and rather bitchy. -.- One of them put her hair up, and it looked like she was wearing a gigantic bumpit in her hair.

After Wet Seal I had to head home. :'( My mom didn't want me to stay out for too long because she wanted me to watch my sister, even though my brother and grandparents were home. Oh well, I don't mind. I'm a homebody anyway, haha.

I said bye and left the mall. When I was walking to the bus stop I saw MY OLD MATH TEACHER. Fuck'n scary. I immediately averted my eyes and turned by head away so he wouldn't see my face. I glanced back at him though cuz he looked like he was with his family, and I got curious. I didn't think he was married.

It was so weird seeing him outside of a mall. Why wasn't he in a math classroom or something?

After many minutes, the bus finally came. I got on the bus and sat next to a smelly woman who I've seen 2 times before. Later a girl from school got on the bus. I admire her. She seems confident in herself, yet not to the point where it's arrogance.

Then, as you can predict, I got off the bus and walked home.


Wish I could've hung out with you guys longer! But of course I've got to respect my mother's wishes. Psh, riiiiighhhttt.]

Sneak peek at something I'm working on!

How's Valentine's Day treating you? How has Chinese New Year been? (That is if you celebrate either or both of them.)

Hopefully good!

If you're like me, you're indifferent to both of those events.

Maybe in the future Valentine's Day or Chinese New Year will be special for me, but for now they're just like any other day. Well except for the fact that I've gotten candy and money because of them, haha. ^-^

I'm not really sure what to do with this post. I feel like I have to do the obligatory V-day and CNY post, but I have nothing to say about them!...so I guess just enjoy the pictures I'll be posting below. :D

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Enjoy the rest of the evening. :]
Yesterday I had no internet connection. Fuck.

It's all good now. :)

I said I was going to buy candy so I could give it to people at school for Valentine's Day, but I didn't. Friday has passed, and giving out candy on Monday (when Valentine's Day has passed) would be...weird. I suck. -.-

Remember the days of elementary school? Where everyone had to give cards + candy to all their classmates? Those were the good days. Writing things inside the cards...taping up candy inside...Then at school we all had containers for people to put our valentine's in. We'd walk around and put the cards + candy in the appropriate containers, then we'd sit in our seats and smile at all the valentine's we received. We'd shuffle through the valentine's and ooh and ahh over people who gave cool cards or gave out the best candy. When we saw a card from a best friend, we'd smile even bigger.

I miss elementary school.

Four square, tether-ball, jump rope, Sharks and Minnows, The States Game, and TAMAGOTCHIS.

ANYWAYS (*coughALICEPOOcough*), time to stop reminiscing. I think I've already written a blog entry before (on a different blog) about elementary school.

Picture time :D

Bus stop pictures.


And before I end this entry:

Happy early Valentine's Day and CNY.
I feel happier and more positive these days. It's a nice feeling. I guess I wasn't unhappy before, but I was focusing too much on the negative? I'm still trying to learn how to make the best of my time on Earth and how to savor all the good moments though...so I guess it's a work in progress.

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I also realized that I like the sun more. Usually I'd pick chilly weather over a sun and heat filled day...but when I was walking to gym class, the sun shone on my face for a few seconds. The sunshine felt so friendly and inviting, and I felt like just lying down right there on the concrete, soaking in the rays.

After school I went to check out Cooking Club. Ninja Sis told me that the club needed more members. I'm going to try and be the club's historian next school year...taking pictures and making a photo album of the things the club does. I need a camera though! I have summer to earn money for one at least, haha.

There's a lot of weirdos in Cooking Club. I love it. :mrgreen: They're the awesome type of weirdos...not the creepy weirdos. They're so funny and random.

We made chocolate chip pancakes in the club today. Nom nom nom.

The pancake I made looked like a pancake and tasted like one...so success? One of the older club members complimented me on it. *high fives Bob*

When the club ended, I took the bus home with Ninja Sis. :) I took some pictures with my phone while waiting at the bus stop. I have a picture of identical twins running with each other saved on my phone. Yes, I am creepy. So tomorrow I'll upload the pics I took. Should I upload the picture of the identical twins? It's the back of their heads so their faces aren't revealed. ^-^

On a less positive note: I feel like there's going to be tension building between a couple of my friends? Ahh, this is making me worry.