if i was a robot


Valentine's Day is coming up! I forgot all about it. I guess that it's because Valentine's Day really hasn't been anything special for me. It just seems like any other day because I don't have that 'special someone' to share it with. The only thing Valentine's Day means to me is the possibility of cards and candy from friends, haha. Which reminds me, I need to buy chocolates soon so I can give my (single) friends a reason to look forward to V-Day!(:

I guess since I'm just a teen, I don't feel sad to be 'alone' on Valentine's Day. I'm not looking for love, I'm just looking to get through high school without developing an eye twitch from all the stupid people that I meet.

I just checked my calendar, and apparently Valentine's Day is on a Sunday. -.- I guess I just have to give out chocolates on Friday of next week.


Time for me to bore you with my day!So I slept past 1am last night. That's my first time ever sleeping so late with school the next day. Aha, I sound like a loser and a goody-two-shoes. Well I stayed up so late because of homework, and also because I got distracted by the computer. -.- No worries though! I didn't have to get to school until 10am. :) Yeah, I just had to gloat about that.

I walked with my brother to school and waited for Ninja Sis once we got there. After a few minutes a car pulled up, and she and her actual sister got out of the car. Haha, her notorious big sis! Her sister was wearing one of those cool jackets that the school offers people on sports teams. LOL, I don't think Ninja Sis would like the fact that I called her sister's jacket cool. ;P But whatever, it IS cool! I would join the track team just to get one of those jackets.

Ninja Sis and I hung out with some people until class started. She kept pointing at people! Gawsh! Now those people are gonna think we're gossiping about them.

WELL, then there was math testing. That's the draggy part. The math exam was stupid because it only asked us basic math problems. Questions like: 3/4 + 5/6 = ? How is that exam supposed to test whether we can pass high school or not?

At lunch Ninja Sis came to hang out with us in the science building. :D Then we stalked cute-dorky-sweater-guy. Well to me he isn't that cute, but to Ninja Sis he is for some reason. ;) I have a class with him, and yeah, Ninja Sis was right when she said that I would notice him a lot now that I know who this 'cute guy' she was talking about is.

Then Ninja Sis had to go to class, but I still had free time. I hung out with some friends in the science building, but it got kind of draggy. I love having lunch, but if lunch is too long then I start getting restless if I'm just staying in one spot the whole time. I should have gone with Keyew to the mall since we had a hour+ long lunch. On the otherhand, if I had gone with her, I wouldn't have been able to hang out with Ninja Sis and HalfFull.

_______ was irritating me a lot today. She's so fake! Plus she thinks she's so cool. She was chewing gum loudly and kept staring at everyone like, "That's right, I'm chewing gum during school. I'm so badass, aren't I?"

Well school finally ended and I went to the bus stop. Later Em came so we talked about school, haha. Then ALICEPOO decided to be a ninja and snuck up on us.

Curse you, crowded buses! -.-

I went to my sister's school and waited for her after school program to be over so we could go home. I felt really drained by then for some reason.

And now I'm here. :)

Good bye.

-edit- I just remembered something! During lunch today, some guy asked HalfFull if he smelled like a cheap whore. Then Ninja Sis and I were staring at that guy, and he did really weird things. ._.

I found these images on photobucket.

What if you got so wasted that you couldn't remember a thing that happened before you blacked out?

Then you'd have a hangover minus the memories. D:

I hate having to explain to someone that I'm being sarcastic so they stop looking at me with a blank stare. Awwkkkwarrrddd.

People who can't recognize sarcasm only make my need for sarcasm stronger.

There was another flipping 'food fight' at lunch today. Ai just loves to throw food, particularly carrots, at people. It's kind of getting out of hand. Is he going to throw food at us every day? -.- He's a fun friend to have, but he isn't someone that can be serious! I want friends I can be crazy with, but I also want friends that I can have serious talks with. You can't get closer to people if all you do is joke around. Sooner or later people will get tired of it.

Because of stupid testing, everyone had the same lunch time! YESSSS.

I got to see HalfFull and Ninja Sis and spend lunch with them. :D

It was so nice seeing HalfFull today! I miss him a lot. :( His new class schedule doesn't include time for lunch, so we can't eat lunch together like we used to! Now I only see him when we happen to pass by each other in the hallways. He's so optimistic and random. I miss his positivity and the random things that come out of his mouth.

Well he and Ninja Sis got to see Ai in action.

I swear, Ai is one of the most perverted people I've ever met. His life revolves around purposely saying things like, "It's too big! It won't fit!" in the hopes that someone will shout, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID."


He had a banana for lunch, and of course he thought perverted thoughts. His banana was small. Ninja Sis had a big banana though, ahaha.

Then that's when Ai started being his usual crazy and messed up self. He threw his small banana at people. Then we both pulled on it at the same time, and the banana broke in half. He threw both halves away then later said, "What happened to my banana?! ...Oh yeah, I threw it away. I want my banana back."

Since his banana was gone, he took some baby carrots and threw them at us. I took a carrot and threw it at him. I accidentally hit the girl behind him. -.- My other attempts to throw a carrot at him were more successful though! :D

After school I went to the bus stop with ALICEPOO. Of course Ai was there. Since he can never be serious, he started jokingly insulting us, and us insulting him back. It was all in good fun, but when he would start every conversation with an insult, I started getting annoyed. If there's one thing I hate, I hate when people don't know when to LET IT GO. People who take a funny joke and drag it out to the point where you want to punch them in the face makes me, well, want to punch them in the face. I just want to have ONE conversation with him where he doesn't say something like, "Yo momma's so fat she fell."

I was trying to have a conversation with a friend (that he doesn't even know), but he kept interrupting with more of his insults. That's when I started ignoring him. I didn't want to have an 'insult battle' anymore. I just wanted to talk with my friend who I hadn't seen in awhile.

So tomorrow at lunch, who knows what'll happen? Will there be tension? My guess is no...but I can't be sure. I'm not mad at him, but will he be mad at me?