if i was a robot

(It's supposed to be people lined up and holding hands while trying to pass down a hula hoop by sliding it down their arms/putting their body through it. Haha, I did an awesome job drawing this. *sarcasm*)

Today in gym we played fun games. We lined up and held hands with each other. Then the teacher gave us a hula hoop that we had to get from one end of our line to the other (without using our hands). We also did relay races. Such a fun day(:

The photobucket app for the iPod Touch is impressive (it was recently updated). It's very professional looking, and it gives you the code and link for the pics you upload to photobucket.


It's always a little sad when you realize some of your friends have changed. I know some people who were really nice and down to earth a year ago, but ever since high school started, they've become arrogant all of a sudden. Where the hell is their arrogance coming from?! Where's the person that I thought I knew??? Change is inevitable though...whether it's good or bad. :/

Sometimes I wish everything could stay the same though. I've already lost some friends because they've changed, and I've also changed. I don't want to drift apart from anymore friends! But I guess that's also unavoidable.

On a positive note: today was awesome, I can't wait for movies with friends on Friday, and my mom might take me shopping. x) Shopping with friends is fun, but it's really easy to get distracted and lollygag. Shopping with my mom is more to the point, but it can also be fun. Plus she has the magical CREDIT CARD.

Why can't it be Friday yet?!

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