if i was a robot


Yay, I got the pictures from Jojo! Haha.

How 3/13/10 went:

My mom sent Hammy and me to Jojo's house. We got there at around, I dunno, 10:15 am? We were aiming for 10 am, but close enough---especially considering that I'm not a punctual person at all. I like leaving as late as possible for things. Ahhh, habit that I need to break.

The day before I had gone to Blockbuster and got Edward Scissorhands, which (once again) I wanted to watch desperately. But honestly, how could this movie not catch your attention:

So we watched Edward Scissorhands right away while eating junk food. I brought candy and Hamtaro brought donuts. Yay for donuts.

I really like this movie. It's good and intriguing, and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. :D The ending left me a little unsatisfied though (ew, that's what she said?), but sometimes unsatisfying endings are the most satisfying endings possible. If everything in a story works out perfectly/happily for a character, it makes you want to barf rainbows and unicorns. Of course my un-satisfaction with the ending has nothing to do with how good the movie is and is just a personal opinion, but if you want to know why I wasn't satisfied with it, skip to the end of this entry.

After the movie we went outside and walked to a park nearby to camwhore and take random pictures.


We saw this beautiful tree while there :)


Picked dandelions on the walk back.


Ruined them in the process. Sorry.

After we got back to Jojo's house, we were like, "OMG, what do we do for lunch." We took the bus and went to QUICKLYS.

I got bubble milk tea with small tapioca and a wrap to eat. The tapioca was really soft and squishy, but not exactly in a good way. It just fell apart in my mouth and kind of dissolved. Oh well, still pretty good. The wrap had ham, cheese, lettuce, and ranch I believe. Not bad, haha. My first time ordering food at a Quicklys! I guess I have to say that I'm pretty impressed since Quicklys isn't exactly a restaurant, and it didn't take that long to get my wrap. Plus there's only 1-2 people working at Quicklys at a time. I heard a microwave though. *suspicious*

We took the bus back to Jojo's house, Hammy's mom came and sent me home, and that was how 3/13/10 was spent.

I had a lot of fun. :D I wish I could hang out with Hammy and Jojo more. :( We should do that again sometime, and the next movie we watch should be a horrible movie so we can point and laugh at it.

Spoiler alert. I guess the ending was a happy one for Edward since he got to experience the world outside of his inventor's home and also discovered love (which is a very big thing)...but it was sad how everyone in the neighborhood just turned on him, and it was sad that Kim never visited Edward ever again. Plus, I'm assuming that Kim moved on from Edward and found a new guy (because she has a frick'n granddaughter) which makes me just a little annoyed. I know I shouldn't be since I can't expect anyone in a situation like Kim's to remain single for the rest of their life, but I feel annoyed for Edward's sake...She was the only girl he was interested, but she's been interested in more than one guy, so it's like, he was such a special person, but the fact that she moved on and continued liking other people makes him seem average and dispensable. Grrr...but Kim did seem to still love him at the end of the film. Edward still seemed to love her too. *sigh* How romantic, haha. End of spoiler-filled content.


I really want to blog about today, but I'm waiting for Jojo to send me the pictures that we took. It's been awhile since I've actually used pictures of my own (well technically they'd be her pictures and not mine, but whatever).

I can't upload pictures from my phone to the computer anymore for some weird reason. :(

I guess I just have to bug Jojo until she finally uploads and sends the pics to me, but I have to wait till tomorrow because she's OFFLINE. -.-

Hopefully I'll have the images by tomorrow! If I do get them, I'll be updating this blog entry tomorrow. :)

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