if i was a robot

There's a lot I want to blog about, but I can only blog this short, little entry because I need to focus more on school. :x

I have some important tests tomorrow and friday that I NEED to ace. My grade is depending on them! Also, there's finals after winter break...but I have another two weeks to worry about that(;

The forever21 at FMall finally opened!!! It opened a week or so ago and I didn't even know! So angry at myself. I was so excited for it. I guess I got caught up in school, family, and friends and forgot all about it. I went inside that f21 today. It's so shiny and sparkly. It's bringing out the shopaholic in me. I stayed in there only for a few seconds. I just wanted to check it out. Today's shopping was not for me, but for the secret santas! And f21 was not part of the people's wishlist. I can't wait to go there again with Hamtaro and Jojo, my fave shopping buddies!

Goodbye dear blog...I'll talk to you more on the weekend! Can't wait(:

Haha, blogging is like a treat to me.

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