if i was a robot

Screw waiting for the weekend to blog! I have time to blog today because I'm pushing school aside on account of the HOLIDAY spirit floating around!

Christmas is just a little more than a week away!!! DAMN I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR. Tomorrow I'm going to be anxious all day as I anticipate the end of school! TWO WEEKS OFF WITH NO ANNOYING TEACHERS (and no annoying classmates)! *content sigh*

Lately my feelings and thoughts have been a little jumbled. I'm trying to sort out my thoughts about certain people...but in the spirit of the holidays, I'll push all nagging thoughts aside and put on my happy face! But it's not a fake happy face, I'll truly be happy(:

Yesterday I went shopping with Gecko, Dramas, and JSG after school. So fun but tiring, especially because we had to go to school the next day.

We went shopping for Christmas presents. I had to finish geting my secret santa gifts. I got Dramas and Gecko for my secret santa, but I only had to get Dramas's gift. I had to buy it in secret so Dramas wouldn't see what I bought. LOL, bad planning on my part. Why would you shop with someone you're getting a present for? Heh(:


I got this robot guy and coin purse at Borders with the gift card my mom gave me for my birthday.

The robot winding toy was given to my sister since she has another one, except it's a girl. Now they can dance together. The coin purse was for me. :D I needed something simple to keep my money in.


Other side of the wallet(:


This is what I got Dramas.

On her wishlist she said she wanted a stuffed animal. I saw her looking at the big-eyed stuffed animal and at a snowman toy. I got both, except I got that mini snowman instead of the one she was looking at since I would've gone over the spending limit.If you squeeze the big-eyed one it makes a BOING! noise.

Yesterday I saw a friend that goes to another high school! He visited my school without telling me! It was pure luck that I happened to see him. Dramas, JSG, and I were standing outside of school waiting for Gecko when I looked over and saw him casually standing there. >:] How could he not tell me he was visiting?!

*Please excuse the annoying way I typed whiling IMing Jojo. Sometimes I'm too excited to tell my friends something, so I shorthand.

[21:08] me: i was talking to ppl in front of school and i turned to my left right as he turned

[21:08] me: and we stared at each other like

[21:08] me: "is that who i think it is?"

[21:08] me: then i went to talk to him O_O

[21:08] me: and he hit PUBERTY!

[21:08] me: dang .__.

[21:08] jojo: LMAO

[21:08] jojo: asjdhngkljsdgh

LOL, his voice is waaaaaaayyy deeper. And he GREW! But overall his face is pretty much the same...he just got new glasses.

Whew, this entry took me awhile to type up since my sister kept distracting me.Time to focus a bit on school.

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