if i was a robot

In modern world class, these two guys who sit on either side of me were having a conversation. So naturally I eavesdropped.

Guy 1: Dudeee, you should of taken the same bus as us yesterday.

Guy 2: Yeah, but that bus goes in the wrong direction of my house.

Guy 1: Who cares? There was a fight. *lowers voice and stares intently* The cops came and everything. It was so awesome.

Guy 2: Why were there cops?

Guy 1: Cuz there was a fight!

Guy 2: ...Wait, so people were punching each other and everything?

Guy 1: Yeah! It was awesome. These middle schoolers were taking a video. They're gonna put it on YouTube!

I just started cracking up. Guy 1 just gave me a blank stare.


Click here if you wanna read a blog entry by one angst filled teen. I wish I could say that teen wasn't me.

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