if i was a robot

This girl in my class helped me realize that you can have a ton of clothes yet manage to look the same every day.

She just bugs me for no real reason. I've never spoken to her, so I'm basing my annoyance for her solely on how she dresses. How sad of me.

She dresses so predictably though! I can predict what she'll wear tomorrow: a hoodie from Hollister or Abercrombie, skinny jeans, uggs, and her hair will be in pigtails. Well I've actually seen her wear off-the-shoulder tops before, but that bugged me too even though it was something different. Even when she wears different styled clothing, it STILL feels predictable to me because it seems predictable for Hollister/Abercrombie wearing girls who think they're fashionable. I mean seriously? Hollister/Abercrombie + Uggs just screams...I don't know the word for it, but it just screams SOMETHING.

Yeah, maybe I should stop taking notice of how she dresses (before people call me obsessed). It's her style, and she's not hurting anyone except for me because I have to look at her every day. I just really think that the stores she gets most her clothes at are so overrated. Not to mention overpriced.

Abercrombie Zombie?

(And by the way, this isn't saying that I'm fashionable or anything. Cuz I'm not. Ahahaha. -.-)


Today at school, the freshmen had to watch a play that contained information about HIV/AIDS, other STDs, and how to stay safe. :|

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! At first I felt that the play was unnecessary because we've already been taught these kinds of things, but the play acted out some scenarios of what could happen when doing "unsafe activities" which made it all seem more real I guess. The play was also pretty funny, so it didn't feel like we were just getting a ton of info shoved down our throats.

The girl sitting next to me was really loud though. She thought that one of the actors was cute, so she decided to tell her friend every 5 minutes how cute she thought he was. "Oh my gawd, he's so cute!" Then halfway in the play she decided to refer to him as her boyfriend. "He's so cute! That's my boyfriend!" "My boyfriend is so cute!" She was also giggling nonstop and saying "AWWWW" every time her "boyfriend" did something.

Oh well, she seems like a nice person.

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