if i was a robot


I took random pictures with the macro setting on my dad's camera. I'm in love with that setting now!(:

I took pictures of the presents my family gave me, what I bought at Borders yesterday from my shopping trip with Jojo and Hamtaro, and random things. I bought the pencil pouch and food pen using the gift card my mom gave me for my birthday. :D

The presents my family gave me all fit in that yellow envelope, haha. Bookmarks (they're pretty, but I haven't been reading lately!), gift card (my favorite gift...there's so many cute things at Borders that normally I wouldn't buy to save money, but since I have a giftcard there, there's no holding back!), and MONEEYYYY

I love the food pen. So cute. My favorite foods on it are the pineapple, burger, and grapes. FOODFOODFOODFOODFOODFOOD.


Can't wait for tomorrow! Hanging out with Hamtaro and Jojo AGAIN! <3 I'm not sure what we're gonna do though. My mom wants us to stay at the house, but we're interested in going out to see New Moon. :P Oh well, we'll figure it out.

Dammit I have so much homework to do. I need to get it done today because tomorrow I won't have much time. Why am I so good at procrastinating? Why couldn't I be good at time management instead?

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