if i was a robot

Even though I liked my old blog layout, I decided I wanted a new one. I felt like my old one was too mature looking...plus when I was blog surfing, I came across someone who had that layout too. What are the odds? Haha.

I like this new layout...It's light and clean feeling. :D

I wish I had a robot that would do my homework for me. :'(

And I actually need to go shopping for my secret santa presents because we're giving each other our gifts this coming Friday. There's no time to go shopping on a weekday! (Well there is time, but it would be rushed and not ideal.)


I like how some blogs have weekly planned entries, so I wanted to do something like that. I think my idea is stupid, but I've had it in my brain for a week or two, so I'm going to go for it. x] I got inspiration from some of the types of entries on tumblr.

I'm calling it, "Weekly Secrets." That sounds lame, doesn't it? The secrets aren't going to be huge or anything. ;] I don't even think I have any major, OMGGGG worthy secrets anyway.

Here's my first one as an example of how my other ones will be. :D I'll try and keep up with this by posting one secret a week.

Yupp, not exactly my finest moment.

*afk = away from keyboard

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