if i was a robot

As each year draws closer and closer to its end, I always ask myself, "Should I even bother with New Year's Resolutions?" I never have any motivation to complete my resolutions! Even if my goals are reasonable, I still often find myself too lazy and unwilling to complete the damned thing.

I came up with resolutions just awhile ago though. Why not just for the heck of it? I think my goals are really attainable! The first one will definitely be a struggle though.

My New Year's resolutions for 2010!


Maybe I'll think of some more later on.

The 4th resolution, being more reliable with phone calls/texts, is a problem I've been having lately. -.-

I've been forgetting about my phone a lot during Winter Break. I'll remember to check it at the end of the day, but by then it really doesn't matter whether I respond to people, right? T_T Too late.

I forget to text people back too! I might hear my phone vibrate when I get a text, then I go do something and think to myself, "When I get back, I'll respond to the text message." Even if it's just a minute that I'm gone, I forget about the message by then. Then a couple hours I check my phone and remember I forgot to reply...then I feel guilty and sheepishly send back a text.

As soon as I know I get a text message, I MUST RESPOND TO IT RIGHT AWAY. No more telling myself to respond to it in a couple minutes. RESPOND RIGHT AWAY. Meh, I wonder if anyone else has this problem.


I got a new blog layout! I like it. :D I need to find a layout I like and stick with it. I've changed my blog layout many times already, and I've had this blog for barely more than a month! Maybe one of my resolutions should be to be more decisive. I could never stick with that though.

I've noticed that some blogs end there posts with a picture that acts as a signature. I like that idea! I need to create my own signature. :] So many creative bloggers out there.

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