if i was a robot


That's my WS for this week. :D My inspiration for it came from: Lol Jk

Hammy and Jojo were planning to come to my school since their high schools were letting them out early, but nooooo, Mother Nature had some other ideas. She decided to pepper us all to death with her tears. Oh well...we all need a good cry now and then, and Mother Nature has been through a lot of abuse. :(

I wanted to see both of them though! Some other time. :\


I got to spend some quality time with Keyew today, haha. We didn't have to go to math class, so we basically had almost a whole hour of free time. We went to the cafeteria and just talked while doing work. Ahhh, it was such a good talk. Man, I definitely need more conversations like that.

Later she taught be how to play poker...which I still don't really get. Why am I so bad at card games?! -.- I'm decent at Slap Jack and Speed though, haha.


Lately I've been really wanting to chop off my hair. I guess I want change. I do love my long hair though, even though most the time it looks like a mess. Aha. -.-


I'm probably waiting till summer to cut my hair. It's the safest time to get a semi-drastic hair cut, right? Plus I'm hoping I'll have grown a couple more inches of hair by then since I'll be donating it. Ahhhh, it worries me when I think about donating my hair. I feel like my hair will be rejected. Hopefully it won't! I just need to make sure my hair meets all the donation requirements. If they reject my hair because it's too ugly, well then that's another story. D:

If my hair doesn't get accepted, I'll feel like such a loserrr!

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