if i was a robot


As you can see, I am 100% dinosaur due to the fact that I just roared like one.

This isn't my first blog, but hopefully this is the first blog that I'll be able to keep for a year. My other blogs failed miserably. I just got sick of them and hated how I wrote my entries, so I just started fresh with a new blog each time. -.-

I WILL stick with this blog for at least a year...no matter how much I might end up hating it. (Haha, watch me fail at keeping this goal.)

Blogging is awesome though. Even if I make a new blog every month, I'll still continue blogging every day most likely. I can't stop(: Even if I have nothing interesting to say (which is very often) I always feel this urge to blog! And since I procrastinate like hell, blogging helps me have something to do when I don't want to do homework. :D Basically, blogging is one of my biggest procrastination causers.

I've decided that I'm giving all the friends that I may end up mentioning on this blog a nickname! I'm doing this so that their precious identities will not be exposed. I'll be giving my friends nicknames based on their personality or appearance. I thought of some already. MUAHAHA. :{D Lookit! It's a smiley with a 'stache.

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