if i was a robot

I wish some bloggers would update their blogs more often! Of course they actually have a life, unlike me, so they don't have the time to blog every day. What a shame.

Whenever it's the weekend, I decide to become a total fatass. I snack like crazy.

I hate when I keep checking the fridge for food when I know there's nothing good inside.

I had this for breakfast. Looks pretty unhealthy, right? Well at least it tastes good. :\

At the moment I'm watching a really cheesy movie on TV. It's one of those typical teen/high school movies about a dorky girl crushing on the most popular guy in school. Ashley Tisdale plays the main character (dorky girl). I would rant about how pointless and unrealistic movies like this are, but then again I am watching it when no one's making me. So now I'll just shut up about the movie.

QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM! My dad says the family's getting new phones soon. I wonder if I should stick with the phone I have right now though. It's my dad's old blackberry and is very much abused, but I've grown quite attached to it. I love getting new technology thoughhhh. So shiny and sleek and new! Except my dad says the new phones will most likely be flip phones. Psh, flip phones are so, like, LAST YEEAARRR. *snobby hair toss* SO WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS?!

Shopping plans tomorrow with Hammy and Jojo. I'll be on the lookout for a camera necklace. I tried googling stores I could get one at, but no luck. What stores are my best chances? Claire's? F21?

Is online shopping the way to go?

Should I try making one out of shrinky dink?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

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