if i was a robot

Originally, my first review ever was going to be on a moisturizer. I didn't think I would be able to type up a good enough review for it, so instead my first review ever will be on a movie! I'm not good at analyzing things, but I can at least give my opinion on the movie. :) (By the way, I know this review might be pointless since the movie's already been out for so long, but oh well. I just watched it on Saturday, so I guess this review is mainly for my own benefit.)

500 Days of Summer

"This is not a love story. This is a story about love."


Summary: Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) works at a greeting card company. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) gets hired as an assistant there, and Tom notices her right away. Later they get into a relationship, but Summer says from the start that she just wants it to be casual...She says that she doesn't believe in true love and destiny. Tom agrees to a casual relationship but ends up falling in love with her.


Highlight the words in the brackets if you want to read a spoiler-filled summary.

[The two of them get into a relationship after Tom's drunken friend tells Summer that Tom likes her. They date for many months, and Tom believes that Summer is the one. Unfortunately for Tom, Summer doesn't feel the same way about him. One day she suddenly breaks up with him and quits her job at the greeting card company. Tom becomes depressed, and it effects his work. His boss notices his depression and makes Tom write cards for losses and deaths so he can channel his sadness into them. Some months later Tom attends a wedding. He bumps into Summer on the way there. She's also attending the wedding. They talk on the train ride to the wedding, and during the wedding they dance and enjoy each other's company. When the bride throws her bouquet, Summer catches it. Later Summer invites Tom to her apartment for a party. Tom agrees to go and thinks this is his chance to get her back. The reality of what happens at the party does not match Tom's expectations. He notices that Summer is wearing an engagement ring and rushes out of her apartment. He becomes deeply depressed. When he goes to work, he quits his job. He works on being an architect like he always wanted to be. Near the end of the movie, Summer finds Tom at his favorite spot. He doesn't get why she would get married since she told him she didn't believe in it. Summer explains to him about her marriage. She now believes in love and destiny. Days later, Tom goes in for a job interview and meets a woman who is going after the same job as him. Before he goes in for his interview, he asks her out for coffee. She accepts and tells him that her name is Autumn.]

I give this movie 4/5 cookies.


This movie had funny moments, sad moments, and moments that made you think. Overall, pretty good! :D I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

For the most part, the movie was interesting. I wasn't completely sucked into it though which I guess is why I gave it 4 cookies and not 5. During some parts of the movie I felt a little bored*, but I guess it's because the movie isn't supposed to be extraordinary or dramatic. It's realistic and could actually happen to people.


I like how the movie has a nonlinear narrative (aha, I feel smart for using that term). The movie jumps back and forth to different days of Tom's life since he first met Summer which makes things interesting. I also liked the part in the movie where the screen was split in half. One half showed what Tom wanted to happen (Expectations), and the other half showed what actually happened (Reality).


Other things I liked about the movie: the acting and the soundtrack. :D

Things I didn't like: Summer

I just felt like she was a big meanie to Tom, haha. That's all I have to say.

Would I recommend this movie to someone? Yes. ^-^

I credit all 500 Days of Summer images to Google Images since I'm a very lazy girl.

*I think if you've ever been in a situation like in the movie, or is/have been in love, you'd appreciate the movie much more than me. I just don't fully get the movie or feel the impact, so that's the only reason why I say I was slightly bored. It's because I just can't fully understand or relate.

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