if i was a robot

The Office: Murder, Season 6 Episode 10

I'm watching The Office on hulu.com right now.

I'm tired, and I have a headache. Thankfully I have a blog that I can complain on about these types of things. ;D I overslept today, but I woke up more tired than usual. At least I found out I can get ready in five minutes if I have to. :P

After school I had to go to the library to wait for my brother. He was tutoring a friend there.

The school's library has these desks with walls. They're really cozy to work at, and the desks actually help you stay focused because the walls block you from what's going on around you. People also can't stare at you and make things awkward. d(^^d) I actually got a lot of homework done in the library.

Ever since high school started, I really haven't gone anywhere. I hang out with friends on the weekend, but I haven't hung out with friends after school in awhile. The sad thing is, I don't even feel like going anywhere. School's just taken all this energy away from me. There's a shitload of homework, and most the teachers barely give a damn about anything. When I get home I just do my homework and spend any freetime I have online. It's so pitiful. Even on the weekends I don't feel like going anywhere sometimes.

My friends and I are going to see New Moon this Friday though. Woo, I'm finally going out somewhere. I'm kind of sick of Twilight stuff, but I'm curious about how New Moon turned out. I wonder if it can possibly suck more than Twilight (the movie) did. (:

I still need to come up with nicknames to call my friends on this blog!

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