if i was a robot

Yesterday my little sister had a high fever. It was scary! My parents took her to the ER, but when they came back they said they didn't get to see a doctor, but her fever was gone.

I'm so glad my sister is feeling better! She's always so energetic and cheerful, so seeing her that miserable and exhausted was heartbreaking. D: She didn't have that same spark in her.

Now I'm sick too. I don't know how it happened, but I guess my throat decided it would hate me. I hate sore throats. My body's feeling a little achy too. On the bright side, I'm just glad I haven't had a cold as bad as the cold I had in 6th grade. That was a terrible cold...I felt so shitty, and I had chicken noodle soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost everyday. I think I started oozing chicken broth from my skin. -.- I felt so annoyed at my dad for not letting me stay home. One miserable day at school after another.

(Asian) Parents need to understand this:

1) It's okay for your child to miss some school if they're that sick. Don't subject your child to that misery!

2) You have to think about the other students who are being forced to be near your sick child. I know I don't enjoy being coughed on by classmates.

I had a cough, and I was literally coughing every ten seconds. In choir, the teacher told us, "If you're sick, stay at home." I knew he was directing it at me specifically. I felt pretty bad. >.<

Whenever I'm sick, I feel guilty being around my friends. In 8th grade I had a pretty sucky cold. I'm pretty sure I passed it onto Jojo because after I was almost better, she started getting the same symptoms as me. She kept denying that I gave it to her...she said that her mom passed it onto her. Haha, trying to make me feel better. :> The only good thing about that cold was that it made me kind of see what it must be like to have a fast metabolism.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at all.

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